Betting Simulator
How can I simulate a betting strategy to see potential outcomes?
The Betting Simulator allows you to simulate a betting strategy over a number of rounds based on your winrate, starting balance, and bet amount. It shows the outcome of each round and the resulting balance.Stats:
End Balance | Gain (%) | Total Wins | Win Rate |
- | - | - | - |
How to Use:
Enter your winrate, starting balance, and bet amount.
Specify whether the bet amount is a fixed number or a percentage of your current balance by including '%' for percentage.
Enter the number of rounds to simulate.
Click "Simulate" to see the outcomes of each round and your resulting balance.
Enter your winrate, starting balance, and bet amount.
Specify whether the bet amount is a fixed number or a percentage of your current balance by including '%' for percentage.
Enter the number of rounds to simulate.
Click "Simulate" to see the outcomes of each round and your resulting balance.